🕧 Friday 9th June – Saturday 10th June

<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right-basic_gray.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right-basic_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Check out the event write up here!


The Wellbeing <> AI Build Weekend is bringing together ~30 ML engineers and researchers and wellbeing experts & practitioners to ideate and prototype how LLMs can improve our wellbeing.

Building wellbeing tools with LLMs

Our psychological wellbeing is the lens through which we experience our entire life. We want society’s psychological health and wellbeing to get consistently better. The progress and advancements in large language models (LLMs) gives us an incredible opportunity to improve our psychological wellbeing. There are so many ways that LLMs can already be leveraged in our existing wellbeing systems.

Ensuring LLMs are deployed in a way that improves wellbeing

How do we make sure LLMs are not the Social Media 2.0, i.e. they look good, but end up causing a lot of unintended consequences for our wellbeing? How can our understanding of what helps humans thrive contribute to how we’re rolling out this new technology?


The Build Day on Saturday will be a mix of building and prototyping tools, and making intellectual progress on some of the most important questions. See some of the build ideas people have pitched so far:



You can register for each event individually, or register for all of them.